プロトコル名称 対象プロトコル番号 ah 51 esp 50 gre 47 icmp 1 igmp 2 ip すべてのIPプロトコル ipinip 4 ospf 89 pcp 108 pim 103 sctp 132 tcp 6 tunnel 41 udp 17 vrrp 112
プロトコル名称 対象プロトコル番号 gre 47 icmp 58 ipv6 すべてのIPプロトコル ospf 89 pcp 108 pim 103 sctp 132 tcp 6 tunnel 4 udp 17 vrrp 112
ポート名称 対象ポート名および番号 bgp Border Gateway Protocol version 4 (179) chargen Character generator (19) daytime Daytime (13) discard Discard (9) domain Domain Name System (53) echo Echo (7) exec Remote process execution (512) finger Finger (79) ftp File Transfer Protocol (21) ftp-data FTP data connections (20) gopher Gopher (70) hostname NIC Host Name Server (101) http HyperText Transfer Protocol (80) https HTTP over TLS/SSL (443) ident Ident Protocol (113) imap3 Interactive Mail Access Protocol version 3 (220) irc Internet Relay Chat (194) klogin Kerberos login (543) kshell Kerberos shell (544) ldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (389) login Remote login (513) lpd Printer service (515) nntp Network News Transfer Protocol (119) pop2 Post Office Protocol v2 (109) pop3 Post Office Protocol v3 (110) pop3s POP3 over TLS/SSL (995) raw Printer PDL Data Stream (9100) shell Remote commands (514) smtp Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (25) smtps SMTP over TLS/SSL (465) ssh Secure Shell Remote Login Protocol (22) sunrpc Sun Remote Procedure Call (111) tacacs+ Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (49) tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service (65) talk like tenex link (517) telnet Telnet (23) time Time (37) uucp Unix-to-Unix Copy Program (540) whois Nicname (43)
ポート名称 対象ポート名および番号 biff Biff (512) bootpc Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68) bootps Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67) discard Discard (9) domain Domain Name System (53) echo Echo (7) isakmp Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500) mobile-ip Mobile IP registration (434) nameserver Host Name Server (42) ntp Network Time Protocol (123) radius Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (1812) radius-acct RADIUS Accounting (1813) rip Routing Information Protocol (520) snmp Simple Network Management Protocol (161) snmptrap SNMP Traps (162) sunrpc Sun Remote Procedure Call (111) syslog System Logger (514) tacacs+ Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (49) tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service (65) talk like tenex link (517) tftp Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69) time Time server protocol (37) who Who service (513) xdmcp X Display Manager Control Protocol (177) UDPで指定可能なポート名称(IPv6)
ポート名称 対象ポート名および番号 biff Biff (512) dhcpv6-client DHCPv6 client (546) dhcpv6-server DHCPv6 server (547) discard Discard (9) domain Domain Name System (53) echo Echo (7) isakmp Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500) mobile-ip Mobile IP registration (434) nameserver Host Name Server (42) ntp Network Time Protocol (123) radius Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (1812) radius-acct RADIUS Accounting (1813) ripng Routing Information Protocol next generation (521) snmp Simple Network Management Protocol (161) snmptrap SNMP Traps (162) sunrpc Sun Remote Procedure Call (111) syslog System Logger (514) tacacs+ Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (49) tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service (65) talk like tenex link (517) tftp Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69) time Time server protocol (37) who Who service (513) xdmcp X Display Manager Control Protocol (177)